The reason it looks like I'm the giddiest person on earth is because the interviewer was smiling radiantly at me through the camera lens the entire time! I couldn't not smile back.
They also put together a little video "tip" featuring just me, which I posted on Twitter.
Anyway, it was a fun trip! I got to see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, which was over five hours split into two parts, with a dinner break.
This month I'll be working through more of the content at Indepreneur and most likely implementing their Fan Finder Method. Unless it's a total bust, expect a full report!
Beyond that, I'm going to be working with a PR company to launch my next single in the next few weeks. Many of my mastering clients have worked with PR companies, and without fail they always tell me, "They didn't do anything for me that I couldn't have done myself."
I have reason to believe that this time will be different. Without a doubt, this company is the best possible match for me and my music. If I'm wrong? Well, it won't be my first failed experiment.
Last but not least, this will be my last email through Mailchimp. It was free up to 2000 subscribers, and now that I passed 2600, it's $49.99 a month! If I stay, it'll be up to $100 in no time.
So if you get a confirmation email from FanBridge, you'll know why.
Until next month, let's hustle. 🕺
p.s. A fan authored my entire last album for the Rock Band 3 video game! Yes, people still play it. You can watch the entire thing "performed" on YouTube here. |
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